Jun 28Liked by Island Shepherdess

Children don’t need stimulation with outings and activities all the time. Being bored at home is healthy for them, they need a rest from the busyness and routine of school. It also nurtures inventiveness and curiosity which is no bad thing either!

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Absolutely, I notice such a difference in all of us when the technology gets switched off.

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Jun 28Liked by Island Shepherdess

So wise! Those simple special times are the best and will be treasured in your children’s memories. I’ve asked many adults to share favorite childhood memories. They are never the Disney trips or expensive outings; they are shelling peas on the porch, digging holes with friends, cooking over backyard fires and building forts. I know you and your family will enjoy these wonderful holidays, no matter the weather!

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Thank you! Yes, I find that the unplanned, random things often produce the best memories. I think that when there is the pressure to enjoy a planned activity or holiday, it can sometimes actually suck the joy out of it.

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